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Trees are rooted, they don't move and they weather all storms that come their way. They grow ’slowly’ and eventually become a bird apartment complex with great views of the ocean. There is a message from the trees to us ’fast-paced’ humans here. You could say the trees are talking to us. This morning looks like the best time to get out and play. There are a couple of big high-pressure systems joining together which will create some frosty drafts from the south island. Rain will make an appearance in the arvo.

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Good morning team, look like there will be some good-ish weather today. May get a bit windy early arvo. Couple of layers will do. My picks a t-shirt and a lightweight wind-proof jacket. Happy Friday!

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The pukeko! Such a rad bird. It was only recently I was out for a lunch drive with a friend and a pukeko ran across the road in front of us. The pukeko scrambled to make it to the grass berm followed by my friend saying ”those things are prehistoric, look at it run.” He was right, they run like those little raptors in Jurrasic Park. Here is a pukeko spotted doing a touch of yoga.

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